Despre mine
Salutare! Eu sunt Anca, si sunt ilustrator full-time …
…si sotie, si mama a doi copii minunati. Iubesc sa ilustrez elemente din natura, arhitectura, basme si magie si imi plac pisicile.
Pentru mine ilustratia este terapeutica. Inseamna timp de meditatie, de relaxare. Imi umple sufletul de bucurie!
Produse noi
Evaluat la 0 din 5110 lei – 130 leiSelectează opțiunile Acest produs are mai multe variații. Opțiunile pot fi alese în pagina produsului.
Ce spun oamenii...
Foarte mult mi-au plăcut lucrările văzute la Anca, așa ca i-am scris pentru a-mi desena un moment dintr-o amintire prețioasa. Rezultatul a fost peste așteptări. Mulțumesc si recomand cu drag.
Silvia S.
Anca is such a talented artist who brings joy with her unique illustrations and designs. We love our vegetables tote bag and looking forward to purchasing more lovely and useful creations from her.
Patricia T.
Her purpose is to keep living the joy of drawing and now pass it on to others as well. Her drawings are authentic, warm and more than anything, unique. She spends hours, sometimes days on one single drawing!
In a world full of large consumption goods, where what you purchase is probably owned by 50% of the planet at least, how about you drawings that are unique, crafted with love and a lot of attention to details?
Alina R.
I love the tucan T-shirt purchased so far. Fits good, feels good and looks amazing.
Cristina B.
Good quality products
Original design
Beautiful colors
User friendly bags
Good quality cotton for the T-shirts
Original design
Beautiful colors
User friendly bags
Good quality cotton for the T-shirts
Ana-Maria D.